Friday, November 30, 2018

Old MacDonald - Vehicles Song

Old MacDonald had a big garage
And in his garage he repaired a car
With a vroom - vroom here
And a vroom - vroom there
Here a vroom, there a vroom
Everywhere a vroom - vroom

Old MacDonald had a big garage

Old MacDonald had a big garage
And in his garage he repaired a bus
With a honk- honk here
And a honk - honk there
Here a honk, there a honk
Everywhere a honk - honk

Old MacDonald had a big garage

Old MacDonald had a big garage
And in his garage he repaired a bicycle
With a tring - tring here
And a tring - tring there
Here a tring, there a tring
Everywhere a tring - tring

Old MacDonald had a big garage

Old MacDonald had a rail track
And on his track he repaired a train
With a chuga chuga here
And a chuga chuga there
Here a chug, there a chug
Everywhere a chug chug

Old MacDonald had a rail track  


Thursday, November 22, 2018

Santa Claus Song

Do you know the Santa Claus,
The Santa Claus, the Santa Claus,
Do you know the Santa Claus,
Who flies on his sleigh?

Oh Yes, I know the Santa Claus,
The Santa Claus, the Santa Claus,
Yes, I know the Santa Claus,
Who flies on his sleigh. 

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Mr.Turkey - Thanksgiving Song

Mr. Turkey went out on Thanksgiving day,
He met Mr. Pig, and wished him "Good day".

Mr. Turkey snoozed off on Thanksgiving day,
Five ducklings came and scared him right away.

Mr. Turkey eating berries, on Thanksgiving day,
Three kittens came and took them all away. 

Mr. Turkey was sad on Thanksgiving day,
Mrs. Turkey gave him a fruit cake,
And he was happy on,

Happy Thanksgiving day.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Bath Song

Splish, splash, splosh,
Splish, splash, splosh,
It's bathtime, 
Get ready for your wash.
Take some soap,
Rub,rub, rub,
Wash germs away,
With a good scrub.

Blow soap bubbles,
One, two, three...
Scrub your nose and your knees.
Scrub your hands,
Scrub your feet.
Germs say bye and you stay clean.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Thanksgiving Feast

I love to eat roast turkey,
I love to eat roast turkey,
Yummy yummy yummm... Yummy yummy yummm
It tastes good in my tummy,
Yummy yum yum.

I love to eat corn,
I love to eat corn,
Yummy yummy yummm...  Yummy yummy yummm
It tastes good in my tummy,
Yummy yum yum.

I love to eat mince meat pie,
I love to eat mince meat pie,
Yummy yummy yummm...  Yummy yummy yummm
It tastes good in my tummy,
Yummy yum yum.

I love to eat yams,
I love to eat yams,
Yummy yummy yummm...  Yummy yummy yummm
It tastes good in my tummy,
Yummy yum yum.

I love to eat mashed potatoes,
I love to eat mashed potatoes,
Yummy yummy yummm...  Yummy yummy yummm
It tastes good in my tummy,
Yummy yum yum.

I love to eat pumpkin pie,
I love to eat pumpkin pie,
Yummy yummy yummm...  Yummy yummy yummm
It tastes good in my tummy,
Yummy yum yum.

I love to eat fruit salad,
I love to eat fruit salad,
Yummy yummy yummm...  Yummy yummy yummm  
It tastes good in my tummy,

Yummy yum yum. 

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Happy Birthday Song

Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday, happy birthday, 
Happy birthday to YOU.

Mommy baked you a cake,
Daddy gifted roller skates.
Brother, sister they sing to you...
And wish happy birthday to you.

Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you.
Happy birthday, happy birthday, 
Happy birthday to YOU.