Saturday, January 19, 2019

Alphabet Food Train Song

Let's all aboard the alphabet train,
Sing along and get entertained. 

A ... a a a Avocado, Apple pie
B ... b b b Banana, Bagel 
C ... c c c  Coconut cookie, Cake
D ... d d d Donut, Dragon-fruit
E ... e e e Elderberry, Egg 
F ... f f f Fig, Fish fries.

Yummy food to learn in Alphabet train,
Sing along and get entertained. 

G ... g g g Green beans, Grapes
H ... h h h Hamburger, Hot chocolate 
I ... i i i Ice - cream, Ita palm 
J ... j j j Jello-O, Jack fruit 
K ... k k k Kiwi, Kettle corn
L ... l l l Lemon, Lollipop 

Up and down goes Alphabet train,
Sing along and get entertained. 

M ... m m m Mango, Muffins 
N ... n n n Nectarine, Noodles 
O ... o o o Orange, Oatmeal 
P ... p p p Pineapple, Pancakes 
Q ... q q q Quince, Quiche 
R ... r r r Raspberry, Raisins 

Chugga chugga choo choo goes Alphabet train, 
Sing along and get entertained. 

S ... s s s Strawberry, Spaghetti 
T ... t t t Tangerine, Tomato 
U ... u u u Ugli fruit, Upside-down cake
V ... v v v Vanilla ice - cream, Vegetables 
W ... w w w Waffles, Watermelon
X ... x x x Xmas cookies, Xmas cake
Y ... y y y Yam, Yogurt 
Z ... z z z  Zucchini bread, Zebra cake

It was fun to ride Alphabet train,
We sang along and got entertained.

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