Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Halloween Candies Song

Trick or treat, trick or treat,
Sweet and sour candies we'll eat.
Knock knock knock knock on the door,
It's halloween, we want candy more.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Body Parts Song

I have two eyes, 
To see the blue skies.

I have a small nose,

To smell a red rose.

I have two hands,

To write on notepad.

I have two legs,

To do a Pirouette.

I have small mouth,

To eat, chew & pout.

I have two ears,

To hear all cheers.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Pirate Song

I'm a little pirate,

I sail on my ship. 

I carry my wooden sword, 

For my long sea trip.

I have found all the treasures,

That are shiny and bright.

I enjoy sailing the ocean,

It's such a beautiful sight. 

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Little Pony Song

Little boy Tony, had a little pony,
He gave him hay every day.
Pony galloped happily, 
Tony squealed merrily, 
As they ran through the meadows all day. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Finger Family - Vehicles

Red firetruck, red firetruck, where are you?
Here I am, here I am
How do you do? 
Green garbage truck, green garbage truck, where are you?
Here I am, here I am
How do you do?
Black police car, black police car, where are you?
Here I am, here I am
How do you do?
Purple race car, purple race car, where are you?
Here I am, here I am
How do you do?
Yellow school bus, yellow school bus, where are you?
Here I am, here I am
How do you do?

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Valentine Day Song

Five little hearts, enjoying sunny day,

The first one said, “It’s Valentine’s day.”

The second one said, “Are you sure, it's Valentine?”

The third one said, “It’s on fourteen, not nine!”

The fourth one said, “We’ll all have a ball”,

The fifth one said, “That’ll be fun for all”.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Little Bunny Song

I am a little bunny,
I go hop, hop, hop.
See my long ears,

They go flop, flop, flop.
I wiggle my nose,

And shake my tail.
I love my orange carrots,

And eat them without fail.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Alphabet Food Train Song

Let's all aboard the alphabet train,
Sing along and get entertained. 

A ... a a a Avocado, Apple pie
B ... b b b Banana, Bagel 
C ... c c c  Coconut cookie, Cake
D ... d d d Donut, Dragon-fruit
E ... e e e Elderberry, Egg 
F ... f f f Fig, Fish fries.

Yummy food to learn in Alphabet train,
Sing along and get entertained. 

G ... g g g Green beans, Grapes
H ... h h h Hamburger, Hot chocolate 
I ... i i i Ice - cream, Ita palm 
J ... j j j Jello-O, Jack fruit 
K ... k k k Kiwi, Kettle corn
L ... l l l Lemon, Lollipop 

Up and down goes Alphabet train,
Sing along and get entertained. 

M ... m m m Mango, Muffins 
N ... n n n Nectarine, Noodles 
O ... o o o Orange, Oatmeal 
P ... p p p Pineapple, Pancakes 
Q ... q q q Quince, Quiche 
R ... r r r Raspberry, Raisins 

Chugga chugga choo choo goes Alphabet train, 
Sing along and get entertained. 

S ... s s s Strawberry, Spaghetti 
T ... t t t Tangerine, Tomato 
U ... u u u Ugli fruit, Upside-down cake
V ... v v v Vanilla ice - cream, Vegetables 
W ... w w w Waffles, Watermelon
X ... x x x Xmas cookies, Xmas cake
Y ... y y y Yam, Yogurt 
Z ... z z z  Zucchini bread, Zebra cake

It was fun to ride Alphabet train,
We sang along and got entertained.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Days Of The Week Song

Princess Grace lived far far away,
Do you know what she did, Every single day? 

She ate her oatmeal on every Monday,

She sang a merry tune on every Tuesday.

She learnt her piano on every Wednesday, 

She studied chemistry on every Thursday.

She went for a stroll on every Friday,

She played with her friends on every Saturday, 

But eagerly waited to have fun, 

On a lovely Sunday.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Community Helpers Song

Community helpers help us every day,
Let's sing their song hip hip hooray... 
Their work is feat, they happily greet,
One by one they are here to meet.

Poppy potter makes pots on wheel,
Pots and pans go round on wheel.
Callie chef makes healthy meal,
Eat it heartily, how yummy it feels.

Debbie dancer dances happily to the tune,
She glides on dance floor wearing dress maroon.
Powell policeman guards city night and day,
Don't run red light, or he'll make you pay.

Frederick fireman  fights the fire,
Parker postman delivers letters & flyers.

Brooke babysitter feeds babies with spoon,
She blows a raspberry and gives them balloon.
Arthur astronaut has landed on the moon,
Seeing the such sight, he giddily swoons.

Dominic driver drives black car,
Drives through city or town far.
Milo musician plays song on his guitar,
He plays his guitar, wishing upon a star.

Cody cobbler mends our shoe,
Put nails to mend and stick it with glue.
Morgan mason builds houses brand new,
He builds them with bricks and paints them blue.
Dorothy dentist cares for our teeth,
Keeps them healthy for us to eat.
Bryan banker works at Bank,
Helps all clients and greet them thanks.  

Travis teacher teaches chemistry cool,
Charlotte cheerleader cheers at high school.
Matthew mechanic repairs our cars,
Alexis artist loves to draw stars.

Peter pilot flies aeroplane, 
He flies with his co-pilot named Walter Wayne.
Aaron actor gives his autograph,
Camera's go click click with his laugh.

Damien doctor gives us pills,
Checks on us when we are ill.
Bella baker bakes cakes downhill,
Chocolate or vanilla, she bakes them with skill.

See how many professions we learnt,
One by one, they all took their turn.
Community helpers help us every day,
Let's sing their song hip hip hooray...