Sunday, September 23, 2018

Doctor Song

Doctor Monroe wears white coat,
Advises breakfast is healthy of oats.

Tiny glasses on his nose,
His stethoscope is always close.

He checks my nose, he checks my eye,
He tickles my tummy &  greets me "hi".

Hee hee hee... I giggle, then I sigh...
Young or old ... he greets all "hi"

He checks my temperature, when I get flu,
Gives me a shot, & a white pill to chew.

Shot when stings and makes me cry,
He offers me a lolly, that tastes like pie.

He cares for people ... young and old,
Dr. Monroe heals cough & cold.

Anchoooo anchoooo he treats my cold,
Cares for people ... young and old.

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