Thursday, October 11, 2018

Halloween ABC Song

Halloween ABC ... Halloween A to Z,
Let's sing halloween A to Z.

A, a a alien,
B, b b bat,
C, c c candy,
D, d d dracula,
E, e e eye balls,
F, f f frankenstein.

Halloween ABC ... Halloween A to Z,
Tap your feet and sing with me.

G, g g ghost,
H, h h haunted house,
I, i i invisible,
J, j j jack-o-lantern, 
K, k k kitty,
L, l l lollipop.

Halloween ABC ... Halloween A to Z,
Spooktacular A to Z. 

M, m m monster,
N, n n night,
O, o o owl,
P, p p pranks,
Q, q q quiet,
R, r r roar.

Halloween ABC ... Halloween A to Z,
Don't be scared, come sing with me.

S, s s skeleton,
T, t t trick or treat, 
U, u u underworld,
V, v v vampire,
W, w w witch,
X, x x extraordinary,
Z, z z zombie.

Halloween ABC ... Halloween A to Z,
That's the end of A to Z ... Boooooooo